08 7111 3367Speak to our experienced podiatrists today!Enjoy a pain-free active life style
We help you get
back on your feet
back on your feet
We help you get back on your feet, fast
To enjoy a pain-free active life style.
- After Hours Appointments
- HICAPS – Instant Health Insurance Claims
- Enhanced Primary Care Plan with NO Gap Fee
- Leading Edge Technology
Call Us: 08 7111 3367
We believe you are designed to be active
Adelaide Foot Ankle provides a one stop health practice for all podiatry conditions and consultation.
Our 3-Step Podiatrist System
Let us help you keep an active lifestyle
Step 1
Book Appointment
Step 2
Podiatrist assessment
Step 3
Enjoy being active again
Our Podiatrists Can Help You With
Podiatrist Conditions
- Corns and calluses
- Warts
- Fungal nails
- Bunions
- Heel spurs & arch pain
- Diabetic and High risk feet
- Tendonitis
- High Arched feet
- Ingrown toenails
- Cracked heels
- Hammer toes
- Neuromas
- Foot and ankle pain and instability
- Fractures
- Flat Feet
- Ankles
- Biomechanical Assessment
- 3D laser scanning for orthotic therapy
- Prescription of medicines
- Steroid injections
- Laser therapy to eliminate fungal nails (onychomycosis)
- Extra corporal shock wave therapy
- Foot and ankle surgery
- Swift Wart Microwave Therapy
Get a pain free & fully engaged active life!
Our Adelaide Podiatrists
At Adelaide Foot and Ankle we are striving to keep you, active.
Dr. Rob Hermann
Dip. App. Sc (Pod)
Podiatric Surgeon (registered specialist)
Fellow Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons
Podiatric Surgeon (registered specialist)
Fellow Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons
Ms. Melisa Sidhu
Bsc (Hon)
Podiatrist (BPod)
Podiatrist (BPod)
Semaphore Podiatrist Clinic
191 Hart St Glanville SA 5015 Australia
Prospect Podiatrist Clinic
1/117 Prospect Rd Prospect SA 5082 Australia