High arched feet

High Arched (Cavus) Feet: Causes and Treatment Patients with high arched or cavus feet tend to lack the ability to absorb shock when standing and walking. Cavus feet often develop hammer toes, neuromas and callus under the ball of the foot. Unstable ankles are a common symptom associated with cavus feet. Most patients with symptomatic…


Ankle Ligament Sprains and Tears: Causes and Treatment Ankle ligament sprains and tears are one of the most common injuries suffered every day by patients. These injuries cause pain and instability and often recur. If left untreated, patients are more likely to develop arthritis of the ankle. Ankle conditions are usually managed well with the…


Tendonitis: Causes and Treatment Tendonitis involves inflammation and pain of the sheath surrounding a tendon. When force is particularly large or repetitive over a long time, a tendon can strain or tear. Tendonitis can develop in any of the tendons of the foot and ankle. Common sites include the Achilles tendon (at the back of…

Flat Feet

Understanding and Treating Flat Feet Patients with flat feet have little or no arch when they stand. Some patients are born with flat feet and others will develop flat feet as they get older. Not all flat feet are symptomatic and require treatment. However, when flat feet become progressively worse over time or there is…


Foot and Ankle Fractures: Diagnosis and Treatment When a bone is broken it is called a fracture. In the foot and ankle, fractures may be quite obvious due to pain, swelling, and an inability to bear weight. Other times, fractures can be quite subtle and easily missed. Your podiatrist is able to diagnose if you…

Heel spurs & plantar fasciitis

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs The plantar fascia is a ligament that runs from the bottom of the heel to the ball of the foot. When the plantar fascia becomes inflamed and painful it is called plantar fasciitis. This condition may have a painful bony spur at the bottom of the heel associated with…

Foot and ankle pain and instability

Poor Foot and Ankle Alignment: Causes and Treatment Poor foot and ankle alignment can occur for many reasons. When the foot or ankle is not well aligned, pain and instability often result. The pain and instability associated with poor foot and ankle alignment tends to increase with longer periods of weight bearing. Foot and ankle…



Understanding and Treating Foot Bunions For many people, the pain caused by foot bunions will stop them from keeping active and enjoying pain free active lifestyle. Foot bunions occur when the big toe bone deviates towards the little toe and the metatarsal bone behind the big toe moves away from the rest of the foot.…


Understanding and Treating Neuromas A neuroma develops when the protective coating that surrounds a nerve becomes thickened and scarred. This is called a Morton’s neuroma when it occurs in the nerve that runs to the 3rd and 4th toes. However, neuromas can occur in the nerves that supply any of the toes or elsewhere in…