Warts Treatment

IT’S BUSINESS AS USUAL! We are open: As one of the essential public services Adelaide Foot and Ankle is here to keep you active. Make a booking today. CALL NOW08 7111 3367Speak to our experienced podiatrists today! Discover a New, Easy Method To Remove Warts NowTo enjoy a pain-free active life style. LEADING EDGE 3D PRINTED…

3D laser scanning

3D laser scanning for orthotic therapy

Many foot and ankle conditions respond very well to the use of prescription orthotic devices. After completing a biomechanical assessment our podiatrists use a 3D laser scanner to image and copy the shape and size of the foot. A prescription to improve posture and reduce the harmful forces that cause many foot and ankle conditions…

Foot and ankle pain and instability

Poor foot and ankle alignment can occur for many reasons.  When the foot or ankle is not well aligned pain and instability often results. The pain and instability associated with poor foot and ankle alignment tends to increase with longer periods of weight bearing.  Foot and ankle pain and instability often makes standing, walking or…

Hammer toes

Hammertoes are a deformity of the second, third, fourth or fifth toes. In this condition, the toe is bent at the middle joint, causing it to resemble a hammer. Hammertoes can be caused by shoes that are too tight or have high heels. Treatment for hammertoes depends on the severity of the condition. Mild cases…